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Open University

Self-serve digital services

We worked with the Open University over many years supporting the delivery of self-serve digital services to ~200,000 students per year.

Our flagship project was uplifting a collection of microsites into a centralised Help Centre, along with an accessible web form framework, web chat and a comprehensive set of design tools, templates, components and usage guidance.

Digital Student Support Platform

We led on the technical strategy, designed and delivered an agile and responsive platform for delivering digital student support content. This platform was used as the basis for the online student Help Centre, Student Policies and Regulations and OU Community websites.

Student Help Centre

The main digital support hub for students. Accessible and inclusive by design, it provides 24/7 self-serve access to help and support, web forms, contact information and web chat.

Complaints and appeals

The complaints and appeals service regularly attracts very positive feedback from students. It gives them ready access to contact the correct person or department to resolve their complaint as well as the opportunity to try and self-serve answers to their queries.

Countdown to study

It's hard for students to know what they need to do and when in an organisation as complex as the Open University. We developed a pilot interactive timeline with prompts to do certain things. For example, apply for Disabled Students Allowances (DSA) as soon as possible after registering for a course. This concept proved so popular with students that it became a mainstay of the student experience.

More services we have worked on

We have worked with subject matter experts to improve and enhance many services including;

  • Support with study during the Coronavirus pandemic
  • Taking a break from study
  • Getting careers and employability advice
  • Booking an online or face to face tutorial
  • Requesting extra time to complete an assignment
  • Request special circumstances are taken into account in module results
  • Requesting additional support at tutorials and residential schools
  • Requesting financial support
  • Requesting to change course
  • Selecting and registering on modules
  • Requesting a reference from the OU
  • Checking digital skills levels
  • Help writing assignments
  • Mental health and wellbeing support
  • Student induction
  • Support with next steps having completed a qualification

Who we have worked with

We have worked with staff across many different units including;

  • Student Services
  • Marketing and communications
  • Learning design
  • Faculties
  • IT
  • Human Resources
  • Finance and procurement
  • Strategy
  • Library
  • Academics
  • Researchers
  • Tutors

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