Web Happens

Accessibility Action report

Average Joe's


Elements must have sufficient color contrast

Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds

For review
WCAG criteria
Deque University

6 potential issues across 8 pages

What to review

  • Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element

Where to look

We found occurrences on 1 page:

  1. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/tables-table-nested-within-table-header.html

    HTML node
    CSS selector
    tr:nth-child(3) > th

What to review

  • Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element

Where to look

We found occurrences on 3 pages:

  1. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/tables-table-nested-within-table.html

    HTML node
    CSS selector
    main > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(1)
  2. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/forms-error-messages-no-suggestion-for-corrections-given-e.g.-required-format.html

    HTML node
    <label class="required-format-not-given">
                Phone number
                <span class="error-message">is not valid</span>
    <input class="has-errors" pattern="7[0-9]{9}" required="" type="tel">
    CSS selector
  3. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/css-page-zoom-boxes-that-dont-expand-with-the-text.html

    HTML node
    <div class="wont-expand-box">
    CSS selector

What to review

  • Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image

Where to look

We found occurrences on 1 page:

  1. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/images-background-image-that-conveys-information-does-not-have-a-text-alternative.html

    HTML node
    <div class="warning-icon">
                Taking too much of your pension money in early retirement could mean you don't have enough for later.
    CSS selector

What to review

  • Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element

Where to look

We found occurrences on 1 page:

  1. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/multimedia-flashing-content-doesnt-have-warning.html

    HTML node
    <div class="ytp-impression-link-text">Watch on</div>
    CSS selectors

What to review

  • Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image

Where to look

We found occurrences on 1 page:

  1. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/html-invalid-aria-role-names.html

    HTML node
    <a href="/">Home</a>
    CSS selector
    HTML node
    <a href="/browse/housing-local-services">Housing and local services</a>
    CSS selector

What to review

  • Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node

Where to look

We found occurrences on 1 page:

  1. alphagov.github.io/accessibility-tool-audit/tests/html-object-not-embedded-accessibly-wmode-parameter-not-set-to-window.html

    HTML node
    <object data="foo"><param name="wmode" value="transparent">Alternative text</object>
    CSS selector